SUMMARY: David Wasdell, head of the Apollo-Gaia Project, returns to Radio Ecoshock with devastating revelations about how climate science has been manipulated or ignored by the IPCC, and by the leaders meeting in Paris. We are committed to far more than 2 degrees of warming. A vastly changed world awaits. Radio Ecoshock 151118.  This is the most downloaded Radio Ecoshock program ever!

Are you ready for the harsh reality of our future in a hotter world? Can any of us really handle the truth? If you feel strong enough, this may be the most devastating look into where we really stand. Perhaps you remember UK writer Mark Lynas stunning us with the awful changes on Earth if we warm by 5 degrees Centigrade. We may not survive six.

Many hope the climate talks in Paris can reach an agreement that will save a livable climate, keeping global warming below 2 degrees C. But what if the national leaders are just players on a stage of illusion? What if someone told you our current levels of greenhouse gases already commit us to more than 6 degrees of global warming, and over 12 meters, over 36 feet higher sea levels? And that may not be the worst of it.

I’m Alex Smith with a remarkable interview from London. This is Radio Ecoshock, radio you need to hear. Download or listen to this Radio Ecoshock show in CD Quality (56 MB) or Lo-Fi (14 MB)


This is a very intense program, with lots of science, clearly expressed for all of us.

David Wasdell

In order to help everyone, here is a “.pdf” rough transcript of this program, including all the science David lays out. Please feel free to dive in for yourself, add you comments to this blog, and forward both the program and the .pdf transcript as widely as possible. Just copy and paste this address in your browser.

Or download it to your computer.

David’s full presentation online is called: “Climate Dynamics: Facing the Harsh Realities of Now – Climate Sensitivity, Target Temperature & the Carbon Budget: Guidelines for Strategic Action

It’s simple. Go to this page at

If you click on the headshot of David Wasdell, you will get a video, 1 hour 16 minutes long, as David explains where we are right now in the climate, and where we are going. It has graphs that make it seem simple, even though he deals with cutting-edge science. If this recorded video conference seems to stop and start, it’s likely you are trying in a period of heavy internet use. Try again at a time when fewer people are on the net.

Of course, one of the benefits of my full-length radio interview of David, is that anyone in the world can download or listen to it. People in countries with low-bandwidth, or poor access, should choose the “Lo-Fi” version, which is ten percent the size of the CD Quality broadcast. That’s also a good choice if you want to listen online.

If you prefer the print approach, click on the title slide to the right of David’s picture. That leads you to the .pdf text to accompany the video, with a full explanation.  Wasdell has gone to great lengths to make this deep science available to all of us. It’s a critical mission. We cannot allow ourselves, or our leaders, to continue using “convenient” science, instead of facing the harsh realities.

All I can tell you is that I’ve heard from over 100 previous scientists interviewed on Radio Ecoshock – the evidence that David Wasdell adds up for us in this talk. It’s sobering, depressing, and maybe yes, liberating. We can only go forward when we know where we are right now.

I’m your dedicated friend, Alex Smith. My thanks to all those who reached out to support Radio Ecoshock this week, who Tweet and Facebook further than I can.  You can find out how to help here.  Please don’t leave support for this program to “others”.

Thank you for being brave enough to listen, and let’s meet again next week with a new program, a new season, a new year.