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Tag Archives: alternative energy

Looking for an End

MP3 FORMAT Waiting for a resolution to the triple crisis of climate, energy and the economy? Alex interviews Gareth Renowden, co-host of New Zealand’s “The Climate Show” on the big stories. From Beijing, Li Yan, Greenpeace East Asia climate coordinator, on China’s emissions  …

Burning Down the House Our feature interview this week is with Daniel Rirdan, author of a new book “The Blueprint: Averting Global Collapse.” You can download/listen to that interview in CD quality or Lo-Fi. Our second guest is Brita Belli, Editor of E Magazine, and author  …


Still Walking Away From Empire Author of “Walking Away From Empire”, Professor Emeritus Guy McPherson left University of Arizona to go off-grid in New Mexico, in a community-based alternative lifestyle. With clips from new film “Somewhere In New Mexico Before the End of Time”. Talk of collapse,  …

From Occupied Territory

Happy Birthday humans! At the end of October 2011, the 7th billion person will be born on Earth. With over a billion humans already going to bed hungry every night, this may not be a blessed event. Just twelve years after we hit  …


In this week’s show, we hear about another huge rain disaster in Pakistan, Dengue fever panic, and how that tropical disease is coming to America, thanks to climate change. I’ve included a few survival tips for you. Then a full 45 minute speech  …

Your Renewable Energy Path Now

Welcome to Earthbeat and Radio Ecoshock. I’m Alex Smith. In this show, you will learn how to slash your carbon emissions, while gaining energy independence – hearing from people who do it now. As climate, peak oil, and economy crash into a perfect  …

Oil Versus Light: the Jeremy Leggett interview transcript

SURVIVING THE TRIPLE CRUNCH An interview with Jeremy Leggett, by Alex Smith. From the Radio Ecoshock Show Feb. 25, 2011. Alex Smith: This civilization uses oil for its blood. Almost everything we make, buy, and use has oil in it’s food chain. You  …

PEAK TROUBLE: Navigating the Chaos

Don’t you hate it when a shadow comes into another nice day? All my weather worries are far away. The East Coast is grumbling under more snow. The deep South may be freezing the Canadian “Snow Birds.” There is another crazy cyclone over  …


RADIO ECOSHOCK SHOW 101126 It has come to my attention that last week’s show was a bit of a downer, leaving some listeners depressed. A scientist showing a savage economic collapse in a red-hot world by 2100. And a food expert predicting global  …

Peak Oil Vs. “Pathological Optimism”

PEAK OIL VERSUS “PATHOLOGICAL OPTIMISM” – Alex Smith of Radio Ecoshock – on “the Peak Shrink”, Kathy McMahon. [Find links to free mp3 recordings of Kathy’s full speech in Vancouver, plus an interview with Alex Smith – at the bottom of this post.]  …

PAINT IT BLACK: Oil Activism

This program is really two tied together. It’s about oil activism, with ideas you can use. Then a funny but serious speech on media activism, by Andy Bichlbaum of “The Yes Men”. In the first half hour, Radio Ecoshock covers the various anti-BP  …

Dark Optimism

You know we are going to run out of civilization’s life-blood: fossil fuels. And if we burn what’s left, the climate will tip into a mass extinction event. Meanwhile, barking madness seems to be the only growth industry. Is it time for more  …

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July 2024