Will climate change foster super storms bigger than anything before? Dr James Hansen warns “yes” and Meteorologist Jeff Masters explains. First, we revisit a fundamental interview with MIT’s Dr. Kerry Emanuel, surely one of the world’s top hurricane experts. Get informed and get …
LEARN MOREScience shows humans have left the stable patterns of former climates. From the Stockholm Resilience Center, Owen Gaffney explains. As Australia burns with heat, Tasmanian scientist David Bowman reveals great regions of the world where fire will strike. Download or listen to this …
LEARN MOREOver 1000 worshipers died of heat in Mecca Saudi Arabia. During long extreme heat domes over India, Mexico, North Africa and the Middle East – nobody counted the dead. Only Europeans and North Americans matter to big media. After an extreme weather update, …
LEARN MOREIn a deadly dance of unbearable heat and extreme rains, people look for answers. Our guest Chris Kocher is a “recovering lawyer” who founded Extreme Weather Survivors. You also hear from author/activist Bill McKibben, Aaron Regunberg of Public Citizen, and Cathy Mulvey from …
LEARN MOREHow hot will people get, how many dying, before someone tries geoengineering? Should scientists test out last-ditch solutions? Long-time journalist, film-maker, and author Dr. Gwynne Dyer says “yes” in his new book “Intervention Earth – Life-Saving Ideas from the World’s Climate Engineers”. You …
LEARN MOREMexico, Africa, Southeast Asia is burning hot as never before. New state of the world? From Ahmedabad India, Dr. Minal Pathak reports from one of the hottest. Is the new heat beyond science? From Aix Marseille Université France, senior research scientist Wolfgang Cramer …
LEARN MORERecords show fossil fuel executives and big corporations knew their products would cause disastrous global damage – for decades. Should they be charged with homicide? From Public Citizen David Arkush makes the case. From Rutgers, Journalism Professor Melissa Aronczyk on Greenwashing the Canadian …
LEARN MOREMillions are caught in the climate fire. Australian scientist Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick on global overview: “Extreme terrestrial heat in 2023”. But it is not just climate. Huge natural systems are failing. From University of Hawaii, Dr. Charles Fletcher is co-author of the heavily viewed …
LEARN MORENew monster heat waves are killing people across the world: the old, children, mothers, simple outdoor workers. A new analysis shows oil and gas production from just five well-known corporations will kill at least 5 million people, and maybe more than 10 million …
LEARN MOREIs it science or fiction? Both! Top climate science fiction writers Kim Stanley Robinson & Bruce Sterling. Robinson shocked the world with his 2020 book “The Ministry of the Future” where 20 million people perished in a massive heat wave. We talk consequences …
LEARN MOREWhen big systems flip into another state, that is trouble for species needing normal. Like us. We get the latest on global tipping points in 2023 from one of the world’s experts, Professor Tim Lenton from Exeter University. Then we explore earth energy …
LEARN MORELost in endless political hype, this planet is hotter. Expert Earth System Modeler Till Kulhbrodt says this may be a glimpse of a future three degrees above pre-industrial. Are we approaching tipping points, or are some already behind us? We revisit an interview …