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Tag Archives: green

What to Do While Waiting (for the Crash)

SUMMARY Author Richard Heinberg on geopolitics, finance, and environment of the slow crash. Global Crossing and Green Festivals President Kevin Danaher on transition to green economy. Unicyclist for climate Joseph Boutelier. Radio Ecoshock 140507 1 hour. Welcome to Radio Ecoshock. I’m Alex and  …


Radio Ecoshock Annual Green Music Festival 2013

Talk, talk, talk about the end and new beginning. I’m Alex. This week we go for the best environmental songs, in our annual Radio Ecoshock green music festival. You will hear folk, rock, rap, a bit of dance, a bit of humor. Support  …


Dirty Activism

What happens when millions of urban Americans decide to grow food? Soil activist Nance Klehm on “dirty activism” – reclaiming a city waste stream to make new gardens. Why is it illegal? Plus: Fukushima update from Alex & stimulating new green music: after  …


Growing the Life You Want To Live

From the Mother Earth News Fair, we hear about Life on the “Farmstead.” Lisa Kivirist turning your dreams of small scale food into a living in Wisconsin. Lisa has tips for us all. Then we go solar with author and speaker Dan Chiras,  …


Green Medley: Climate, Population, Off-Grid

American scientist Virginia Burkett: violent weather threats to coastal energy. Activist Dave Foreman on population & immigration. Sheri Koones “Prefabulous & Almost Off-Grid” green building. Radio Ecoshock 130403 1 hour. FREE MP3 DOWNLOADS Listen to/download this “Green Medly” Radio Ecoshock in CD Quality  …


From Growing Greens to Fukushima

Expert urban gardening tips from John Kohler, host of popular “Growing Your Greens” channel on You tube. Then speech by Dr. Helen Caldicott March 12, 2013 on medical and ecological consequences of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan. Radio Ecoshock 130327 1 hour  …

Annual Ecoshock Green Music Festival 2012

The Radio Ecoshock annual best of Green music festival. Eclectic mix of voices found or sent in by the artists, mood music for a climate-safe, species-friendly world. Radio Ecoshock 121229 1 hour. Download in CD Quality (56 MB) recommended for this music show.  …

Planet Shift – No Return Twenty one scientists say Earth approaches a “state shift”. The ecosphere may change rapidly, never to return. Interview with Dr. Arne Mooers. Planetary boundary talks at Rio+20 w. Oxfam’s Kate Raworth, & Johan Rockstrom of Stockholm Resilience Institute. Interview w. Australian green  …

Still Walking Away From Empire Author of “Walking Away From Empire”, Professor Emeritus Guy McPherson left University of Arizona to go off-grid in New Mexico, in a community-based alternative lifestyle. With clips from new film “Somewhere In New Mexico Before the End of Time”. Talk of collapse,  …

Time of the Techno Fix

Download Show. Michael Huesemann, co-author of “Techno-Fix: Why Technology Won’t Save Us or the Environment” interviewed by The Extraenvironmentalist. Then “Alternative Radio” founder David Barsamian recorded in Vancouver: what should we do? Radio Ecoshock 120613 1 hour Welcome to Radio Ecoshock. I’m your  …

Confessions of a Recovering Environmentalist

Has environmentalism failed? If so, what do we do next? That’s the question faced by three panelists, former Ecologist magazine deputy editor Paul Kingsnorth from the UK; American deep green activist and writer Lierre Keith; and eco-philosopher David Abram. The host of this  …


Go Green Media How can we be optimistic? Publisher of The Mother Earth News, Bryan Welch. From D.C. Environmental Film Festival, Harry Lynch, Director of “Switch”, Alexandra Cousteau, and Robert Cole. This week on Radio Ecoshock, we go green media. You’ll hear an interview with  …

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October 2024