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Tag Archives: geoengineering

Shades of the Future

How hot will people get, how many dying, before someone tries geoengineering? Should scientists test out last-ditch solutions? Long-time journalist, film-maker, and author Dr. Gwynne Dyer says “yes” in his new book “Intervention Earth – Life-Saving Ideas from the World’s Climate Engineers”. You  …


Fixing the Climate: Hopes and Hazards

“Pandora’s Toolbox: The Hopes and Hazards of Climate Intervention” – Author Wake Smith. Living with uncertainty, retired psychologist & author Carolyn Baker. Winter heat waves: case study with Oxford’s Nicholas Leach. Listen to or download this Radio Ecoshock show in CD Quality (57  …


Tim Flannery – Atmosphere of Hope

Australian scientist & author of “The Weather Makers” on new book “Atmosphere of Hope”. Despite what he knows, Tim Flannery explains new “natural” based tech that may prevent climate catastrophe. “Can our desire to overcome [the climate crisis] drive humanity’s next great waves  …


Mobilize to Save the Climate!

SUMMARY: Psychologist Margaret Klein Salamon on movement to mobilize to save the climate – a total shift in society. The transformative power of climate truth. Plus scientist Paul Beckwith on chemtrails and geoengineering. She’s an American clinical psychologist and host of Now  …



Welcome to another round of Radio Ecoshock. I’m Alex Smith, with two of the world’s top climate scientists talking about the severe challenges we face right now, and in the future. From the United Kingdom, we have Dr. Kevin Anderson, who pulls no  …


Climate Geoengineering and Chemtrails Conspiracy

SUMMARY: In this program we talk with one of the world’s top experts on geoeningeering to cool the planet, Harvard’s Dr. David Keith. Then from the UK, Dr. Rose Cairns investigates the internet phenomenon of chemtrails, the belief that aircraft are already poisoning  …


Will Humans Go Extinct Soon?

Investigating claims of near-term extinction for humans. Clips from Guy McPherson, John D. Cox, Dr. David Archer. Interview w. John Michael Greer. Analysis of predictions by Malcolm Light of the Arctic Methane Emergency Group (AMEG). Radio Ecoshock 130605 1 hour. Listen to/download this  …

WILD HUMANS (doing wild things)

National Geographic reporter Scott Wallace on trips to deep Amazon for his book “The Unconquered”. How oil, gold, and illegal logging chase the last un-contacted tribes. Plus reports on Canadian Boreal failure, serial climate hacker Russ George, and shaping Nature in the city.  …


Who Will Control the Climate of the World?

Australian author Clive Hamilton on geoengineering & his new book “Earthmasters”. Plots by big oil, Bill Gates & nuke scientists. Shocking new science shows Arctic could melt at current carbon levels. Plus world-wide growth of bike sharing with Janet Larsen of Earth-Policy. Radio  …

Green Seas, Good Food, Bad Numbers

Serial climate hacker Russ George’s office raided. Nick Saul takes food banks to a whole new level – feeding citizens during tough times. UC Berkeley political scientist Dr. Martha Campbell – how economists & women’s advocates helped enable the next population explosion. Radio  …

Ocean Geoengineering: Serial Climate Hacking

Serial climate hacker Russ George (Planktos) leads indigenous villagers to dump iron into the sea – a secret geoengineering project off Canada’s West Coast. Press conference statements by the Haida Old Massett Village Chief, interview with Living Oceans’ Karen Wristen, Russ George clips  …

Covert Geoengineering & Women Against Tar Sands

Jim Thomas of ETC Group on rogue geoengineering off Canada’s West Coast by Russ George, former CEO of Planktos. “She Speaks: Indigenous Women Speak Out Against Tar Sands“. Eriel Deranger & Freda Huson + Suzanne Dhaliwal co-founder of UK Tar Sands Network. World’s  …

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July 2024