Life on the Brink …approaching the vanishing point for climate hope. As emissions hit new record, Citizens Climate Lobby Exec. Dir. Mark Reynolds teaches people to lobby the government for sane policy, like Hansen’s “Tax and Dividend”. Philip Cafaro on new book “Life …

Dr. Thomas Lovejoy, is the father of “biodiversity”. He advises Presidents and the World Bank. Thomas Lovejoy visits Radio Ecoshock. Next science vs. spirituality with Dr. Carolyn Baker She says: go positive in a negative world. Alex investigates why millions of people in …
LEARN MOREWhat makes a mild-mannered biology professor call for a planned collapse of the economy? Canadian scientist Bill Rees would know. He was an inventor of the ecological footprint concept, and has been measuring our impact on the planet for decades. Now he’s worried …
Dr. Paul Ehrlich is our feature speaker this week on Radio Ecoshock. His 1968 book “The Population Bomb” awoke the world to the ecological and social threats behind exploding human population. Since then, Paul Ehrlich and his wife Anne have published dozens of …