There is optimism – and then there’s the facts. Welcome to Radio Ecoshock. We have a triple-header for you this week.

The Watchman is going to rattle out danger – with a brain wave escape hatch – as I interview California author Rebecca Costa.

Transportation planner Jeff Tumlin gives a short, stark warning speech about how cars make us fat, sick, and dead. Good commuting fare.

And we’ll wrap up with happy bad news for the inner Doomster – NASA’s new project to blackout your city, before the next Solar Storm starts the Long Emergency. Could it be the knock-out blow?

I don’t mind if the future is scared and miserable. I just want my toilet to keep on working – and now the Sun wants to screw with my plumbing!

Do you think I’m crazy? NASA said so!

Keep listening…. and reading.

READ MORE – for all the links, my comments on this show, and the Solar Storm script, with more links for you to follow up.